Raymond Johansen åpner for å innføre krav om dokumentasjon av kompetanse for flere håndverksfag innen byggebransjen. (Foto: AP/Flickr)

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Ap vil ha krav om fagbrev

Arbeiderpartiets partisekretær Raymond Johansen foreslo før helgen at det må stilles krav om dokumentasjon av fagkunnskapen hos håndverkere på samme måte som for elektrikere.

– Det er dramatiske ting som skjer i byggenæringa. Det ansettes ikke lærlinger, og faren for sosial dumping øker, påpeker partisekretæren overfor Klassekampen.


Sikre faglighet

– Vi må få tilbake respekten for fagkompetansen igjen. Men det handler også om å motvirke sosial dumping. Det er en enorm bevegelse av arbeidskraft i dag. Hvordan skal norske firmaer med fagarbeidere kunne konkurrere mot polske ufaglærte som bor 10 mann per brakke, spør Johansen.

Han tilbakeviser at dette er ren proteksjonisme.

– Polakker og latviere er ofte også dyktige fagfolk. Det vi snakker om er å få dokumentert fagkompetansen, slik at man ikke bare kan dumpe prisene ved å bruke ufaglærte, sier Raymond Johansen.


EØS i veien

Anne Beathe Tvinnereim tror EØS kan hindre at det stilles spesielle krav om kompetanse, da det kan vanskeliggjøre utenlandske firmaers muligheter i Norge. (Foto: Dag Solberg)
Anne Beathe Tvinnereim tror EØS kan hindre at det stilles spesielle krav om kompetanse, da det kan vanskeliggjøre utenlandske firmaers muligheter i Norge. (Arkivfoto: Dag Solberg)

– Vi i Senterpartiet er opptatt av å finne virkemidler for å sikre den norske håndverkeren. Det er bare synd at EØS gjør det svært vanskelig for oss, sier statssekretær Anne Beathe Tvinnereim i Kommunal- og regionaldepartementet. – EØS legger skranker på hvilke krav vi lovlig kan stille, siden det skal være fri flyt. I utgangspunktet er krav som vanskeliggjør utenlandske foretaks arbeid i Norge ikke lov.

Hun tror EØS sitt kontrollorgan Esa vil være tilbakeholdne med hvilke yrker det vil kunne stilles krav om dokumentert kompetanse.


Les BNL-sjef Jon Sandnes kommentar her.

Les også: Kompetansekrav i næringen på Bygg Reis Deg


En kommentar til “Ap vil ha krav om fagbrev

  1. There isn’t ANY ONE particular Martial Art that is a best fit for a pesron of a particular body type, height, weight, strength, or handicap (ie injury). And just because someone TELLS you what discipline to try DOESN’T mean that it’s going to suit your pesronal ideas (because a lot of people just blurt out disciplines because it worked for them and has become their pesronal favorite discipline so that shows a bias or partiality) about what YOU want out of learning a Martial Art, nor does it mean that the discipline they reccommend will have a school in YOUR area.It’s more of choice as to what Martial Arts school(s) are available to you in your area (up to a 15 minute drive away, if necesssary; unless you prefer something more local than that).Choose at least three schools that interest you and watch some of their classes, if you think you like the class; then find out if they have some trial classes (without the hassle of being asked to sign a contract to take the class afterwards) up to a weeks worth to make a decision.If you like the class after the trial classes and you’re comfortable with the instructor, then enroll in the class.And it’s also more to the point of what you plan on getting out of the discipline, as ANY Martial Art will teach you self defense; it’s not the type of discipline that matters how well you’ll learn to defend yourself. But rather how well you apply yourself in training to perfect your techniques and how well the instructor’s teaching style works for the class.what you really have to do is watch out for McDojo schools or belt factory schools because they usually have a high turnout rate of students, meaning you won’t learn the discipline all that well.these schools often have young black belts (usually several of them will be 9 or 10 yr old kids, or some that’re very high ranking which should be RARE if they are that high up in rank; unless the child started studying the discipline since they were 4yrs old), or boast that their students make their 1st degree black belts inside of ONE year (which the average time to recieve a 1st degree black belt should be more like four to five years).they’ll also try to get you to sign a contract for 6 months or more, or try to get you to pay down a large sum of money for just that length of time.and you shouldn’t be fooled by how many tournaments their students have won or awards they have garnered through competition because competition is the LEAST aspect of Martial Arts to be concerned about.So basically these types of schools will give you a belt rank every few months as long as you’re paid up on their outrageous monthly fees and won’t really learn much in self defense.

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